what do you get out of showing your breasts to your partner?

  1. Kisses

    Lmao srsly tho, do you mean photos of them ? Bc I don’t do that, but I’d guess it’s an ego boost for some or just a thrill or wuteva idk.

  2. It makes him smile ear to ear every time lol it’s like giving a kid a bucket of candy.

  3. His reaction. Although I get a rise with them fully covered. The size and shape is the sort that men into big boobs enjoy and they look enticing even when I wear loose clothes as soon as I stretch or move in a way that shows my size I see men looking at my big boobs. Just too busty to hide I guess..

  4. I don’t get anything particular out of it. I just like making my partners happy and horny.

  5. I’ve been on a journey of body positivity and I love them and love playing with them myself, bonus that it makes my partner so happy too! Just feels good 🙂

  6. Lol he honks them, like squeezes them and says honk honk. They bring him great joy.

  7. The first time I show them to a new partner, I get a little ego boost and a little performance adrenaline.

    Showing them to a long term partner? Yeah I don’t really get anything out of it, I just know it’s something simple that he enjoys so I do it.

  8. I usually feel like shit after I do it, I’m not well endowed. But I just want him to know they’re there and they’re thinking about him

  9. Occasionally I’ll be like “if you grab me a drink I’ll show you a tit” but normally I’ll just do a random flash to hear him giggle

  10. I’m too self conscious about mine and always try to hide them 😔

    How are you ladies so confident?!

  11. He smiles and looks at me like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world and like nothing else matters. It makes him happy and he makes me feel pretty which is something I’ve always struggled with so I guess his win ends up also being my win

  12. In a non sexual context, my partner insists on waving and saying “hi!!” until I finish changing. He’ll even send me a video of him waving if it was a picture. It makes me giggle every time.

  13. His smile and absolute glee at having access to boobs. 22 years of this and it never gets old.

  14. I feel super empowered when I show my boyfriend my boobs, because they’re on my body and he likes looking and touching them, it’s just super powerful to have someone like looking at your body!

  15. It used to bring me joy because my girlies were perfect. Now I breastfeed and they are always out and not so perfect any more

  16. Even if it doesn’t make him horny,he always does something really weird with them and laughs about what an immature moron he is.

  17. Just showing? Flirting. I love flirting, sometimes more than doing anything. Watching them get all giggly and distracted and blushy. Feeling flirty myself, confidence boost.

    More often though it leads to touching which I love the feeling of.

  18. It makes me smile knowing how much he loves seeing them, like a kid in a candy store!

  19. I just called his name and flashed them to see. He said, “Helloooo!” And laughed that adorable laugh he has when he is just genuinely happy. I love that guy!

  20. I’m pretty sure they’re his favorite thing in the world and every time he sees them it’s like it’s his first time seeing a set. LOL I love seeing his cute face light up

  21. Barely any reaction at all. They’d rather compliment random strangers on the internet.

  22. I love them, so I get a little thrill out of showing them off. A bigger thrill when I see the excited reaction that gets!

  23. The glazed look in their eyes gives me my material I need for mind fuel..💓

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