The only answer I’ve gotten so far is “They just gotta do it.” Insights?

  1. It’s critically important to periodically check that reality still exists.

    Confirming that the top of the portal remains physical is one simple check anyone sufficiently tall enough can do.

  2. I still do this as an adult.

    Its like me leaving my mark.

    Funny cause a co-worker ask me why I always did this when I leave her office a couple weeks ago and I told her the same thing, “I’m just leaving my mark.”

  3. A young boy will try and fail to reach it

    Over and over again

    Until one day he reaches it

    Then one day he doesn’t have to jump to reach the top

  4. The top of a door frame is about 6’8″ tall. I guess they do it to test if they can reach at least 6’8″ tall. As a 6′ tall adult, I have bypassed door frames and have moved on to trying to slap the signs that hang down in Target.

  5. Makes one feel like they’re growing up and getting taller, and ready for the world. Should be randomly celebrated by an observer with a “hell yeah!”

  6. Making sure we pass through without bumping our heads. Like whiskers feeling the space around you

  7. To assert dominance on the door and by extension the room you’re entering. The rush of absolute power is exhilarating

  8. My daughter does this too.

    She’s really really tall. She loves it. She takes every opportunity to show off how tall she is.

  9. because at 5’8″ i cant reach most things but i damn well slap a doorway to assert my dominance

  10. Evolutionary psychologists would suggest it’s because of an innate need to demonstrate ohtsical prowess.

  11. As George Leigh Mallory said when asked why he climbed Everest: “because it’s there”

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