As you can tell from my previous post my boyfriend cheated with a guy. He told me recently but it was five years ago. When he was a teenager. I’m trying to stay with him because I love him and he really seemed sincere. I dont know how to get past this weird feeling when I try to have sex with him. I keep feeling like I’m having sex with the guy he slept with when he cheated. Another problem is i feel like I look dumb for staying with him. I knew he was bisexual but I didn’t know he cheated until recently. I know the cheating was five years ago. We’ve been together almost six years. what can I do for this?

  1. You need time to process this new information, until you feel comfortable again.

    Until then, don’t have sex for a while. That will give you time to sort out how you are feeling about the relationship.

    You don’t have to do anything right away, just go slow and maybe talk with someone who is a professional.

  2. It takes time to process that kind of think, even it happened years ago. You are not dumb if you choose to stay with here and you are not dumb otherwise as well. Either way, maybe you should talk better with him about it and take your time to access how it affects you.

  3. Only you can make that call. Yes it was 5 years ago but he still did it. Who’s to say he won’t get another itch for someone else to scratch?

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