
I’m 18m and she’s 19f. I’ve been talking to her quite a lot and it’s clear we both want a relationship. We have had our first kiss. That was my first ever kiss but before that we had a talk about how many exes we have had and she said she had 3. However she said she’s kissed about 6-7 guys but not done anything sexual further than kissing. I feel disgusted at the fact that she’s kissed 6-7 people and I have none even though i could have. So I’m not sure if I’m even a good kisser or not or anything like that.

  1. You shouldn’t date if you can’t handle that. Kissing someone is no big deal. We are talking about people, not underwear. People aren’t used.

  2. >I feel disgusted at the fact that she’s kissed 6-7 people and I have none even though i could have

    Why does it? I think we’re over valuing kissing to mean something more than it actually means.

    If one of your male mates had said they had kissed 7 women. How would you view it?

  3. Where the hell are you from?

    Where I’m from, the average 18 year old has had sex with more people than that..

    Did you meet at a church?

  4. It’s not an absurd number of kisses I’d say. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Enjoy the time you spent together 🙂

  5. You’re being very judgemental. No it’s not a lot, it’s normal. You’re lucky she’s being honest

  6. Pretty much everyone you meet is going to have had sex with multiple other people before you, sometimes many people. Who cares? If you’re worried about other men having sex with her, let alone kissing, you’re going to have a difficult time in life. Don’t be insecure, she likes you now, so who cares about the other men she has slept with.

  7. Wait until you getout into the dating world and you are a virgin or close too it and many partners are not…..

  8. Just wait till you’re 22 in college and you’ve kissed 4 different girls in one night. You’ll change your mind. It’s not that big of a deal

  9. Are you scared you’re not the best kisser or something?

    6 guys is not a fun make-out session. She probably had her eyes licked and an ear-full of guy #3’s spit. Guy 7 got kicked out the room because he wasn’t even on the correct side of her head.

    Come back to reality. You would STILL be worrying about her perception of you if she never kissed anyone. Don’t hold it over her just because she has.

  10. Buddy. I’m 27, by the time most people are my age they’ve kissed more people than they can count (unless they get into a relationship with their SO very young). 6-7 for a girl who is 19 isn’t a lot. You’re over-thinking it. Just enjoy it.

  11. Don’t let *your insecurities* keep you from potential discoveries and learning.

    It’s not as if anyone finds their “soulmate” at age 18 or 19 and spends the next 60-70 years living happily ever after! Very rarely is anyone’s “first love” their *lasting* love.

    The teenage/early 20s relationships are usually “practice relationships”.

    This is a period of discovery, exploring, and learning. Have some fun!

    If you want to learn how to swim eventually you have to get in the water!

    Most people you meet don’t become dates, most dates don’t become relationships, and most relationships don’t lead to marriage. As one adage goes: “Many are called but few are chosen.”

    When it comes to dating and relationships most of us *fail our way* to success.

    With each failed relationship, heartache, or betrayal we’re presented with an opportunity to craft or refine our mate selection screening process and *must haves list* for choosing our next mate.

    ***”Comparison is the thief of joy.”*** – Theordore Roosevelt

    ***”The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.”*** – W.M. Lewis

    ***“Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.”*** ― Paulo Coelho

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  12. Lol it’s just kissing. I’ve kissed over 100 women. It doesn’t mean anything

  13. Omg still with the high school and insecurities and drama, it’s not like she said she had intercourse with six or seven guys. Also if that’s what you’re hung up on how are you going to date anybody else I guarantee you as you get older, the number is going to grow for your potential partners. And it’s just kissing and it’s on the low end.

  14. What right do you have to feel disgusted? You should just move on and get over yourself. Your insecurities are causing you to be very judgmental.

  15. If you think like this you’re going to drive her away. It’s not worth it. Accept that the past is in the past

  16. Your insecurities are getting the best of you. She’s with you now, the past is the past. If you’re feeling disgusted by this, then either you’re not ready too date and are immature, or you do hold to your beliefs and try to find someone who hasn’t kissed anyone before. I hope this never happens but don’t tell her that, because you could hurt her. What if she said she’s grossed out by you, because you kissed 6-7 girls before?

    Either get over it, or break up. Dragging this out will only make things worse.

    A lot of people have kissed a lot of people. Chances are your next girlfriend will have kissed that many as well, or maybe some even more scandalous activities.

  17. You need to curb that right now. If you don’t get over that, it’s going to be harder when you’re 25 and are dating women who have slept with 10-15 guys. When you fixate on that kind of stuff you end up missing out on people who are truly great for you.

    Trust me, when I was 23 I had a girlfriend who had slept with a lot of people. I had a hard time reconciling that and it really ruined my relationship with her. Later on, after I accumulated more experience I realized that she was actually the best girlfriend I had ever had and I judged and lost her unnecessarily.

  18. This is an insecurity issue on your part. Nothing wrong on her end. Stop overthinking before you mess things up

  19. You are disgusted that she’s KISSED people??? How would you feel if she were disgusted that nobody’s wanted to kiss you?

  20. This is SO CUTE. Young love ♥️🥰

    But yeah, that’s too much; Mononucleosis and mouth sores are a real thing. Be careful.

    Good luck.

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