For Austria I think most prefer Helles, Märzen and Zwickl, you are most likely to find them on tap in pubs and restaurants.

  1. (Bavaria) wheat beer is really popular. Helles is the standard beer though (unlike in most of the rest of Germany, where Pilsener is the standard).

  2. Here in Upper Swabia the standard beer is Export, a pale Lager with a higher original wort than i.e. Helles or Pilsener. The second option that you get at any times is Weizen.

    Other varieties that most medium sized breweries produce are Dunkles, Dunkelweizen, Zwickl, Festbier, some Bocks or Doppelbocks, a Pilsener and Helles.

    >For Austria I think most prefer Helles, Märzen

    Isn’t that the same in Austria?

  3. I think more and more speciality beers are popular. Among the regular pilsener I think Hertog Jan is very popular. Others are Grolsch, Amstel, Heineken and Bavaria.

    As for more special beer, you will find regional differences. Like in many restaurants where I live they serve Texel beers on tap, which I think is delicious. An example of a special beer which is popular is IJbeer, from a brewery in Amsterdam.

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