So I’ve been chatting with this guy for about six months. We have not met because there is a distance and neither of us have reliable transportation there. I’ve only FaceTimed him once, and though I ask for more, he doesn’t seem to want to. he texts me every single day, good morning, this is how work went, and goodnight. sometimes we have more in depth convos but that doesn’t always happen because he’s busy. He sends me snaps a lot so I see his face.

In the beginning he acted a lot more interested. He was super chatty, texted 24/7, called me beautiful, even joked about marriage. Now it’s way more mellow, and though we’ve been talking for six months, we don’t seem to know each other better and nothing is progressing.
I bring that up and he’s all like “I want to make this work, I really like you, I always think about you” instead of addressing the issue.
What is there to even make work?

He tells me not to disappear or ghost him but we are both not giving each other anything and it just doesn’t seem worth trying to hold onto.
I kinda feel like I would be betraying him if I did. I’ve invested a lot of time into him even if it’s not enough, and letting him go would feel like a loss.
I don’t know if I could ever even see him, how much I could, and if it would even be worth it. I could just be a “just in case” side girl anyways.
What is your advice?

TL;DR: chatting with a guy via Snapchat for about 6 months, haven’t met, only FT’ed once, don’t feel like either of us are invested, want to cut it off but he says he wants to keep talking

  1. Dont stay just as a sub for someone, if someone wants to be with you they’ll make the effort! Hopes this helps:)

  2. He’s in another relationship, you’re on the backburner and he’s stringing you along for attention.

  3. You live far away and don’t have transportation to see each other, so what’s the point of talking to him? It’s just a waste of time. You’ve both been wasting 6 months of your time basically snap chatting a stranger you’ve never met. Find a guy in real life.

  4. I’d say more, but you’re allowed to stop contact if you’re no longer interested. Full stop.

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