Hi all! My boyfriend (36M) and I (28 F) recently moved in with each other. For context, he works the line at a factory 50 hours/week. I am a full time student with a part time job. Besides the usually hiccups, we really enjoy living with each other. He’s eager to do his fair share in house chores. He deep cleans the kitchen once a week and tag teams cleaning up after dinner. And I clean the bathrooms and other common spaces weekly and cook our meals. We see chores as a way to take care of each other. We slip the bills evenly. We have agreed that I generally do more around the house yet don’t mind because he shows appreciation for the effort that I put into our relationship. All is fine and well.

My issue is that sometimes due to my busy schedule or other life circumstances, my meals aren’t the best that they could be. He never complains about it. The most he will say is suggesting less oil or not complimenting my meal. I wish I could do better for him. I need to remind myself that not every meal is a win. I still have a lifetime to perfect my meals where both of us are happy with them. I stayed up late to make him a meal and am disappointed with it. The potatoes are a little too brown and the zucchini is soggy. What should I do?

TL;DR I sometimes don’t make the best work lunches for my boyfriend. Should I send him to work with a subpar lunch or something else? What do you think?

  1. Im a decent cook and even then there are meals that dont come out right. Things i have made a 100 times before. Its life.

  2. Practice. Pay attention to the meals you both like, and make more similar to those. Use a cookbook or find a recipe site that is consistently good and helpful. Get a trial for one of those meal delivery kits, they are good for newbie cooks. But the best way to get better is just to cook!

  3. I encourage you to give yourself permission to have some lacklustre meals. Having a just-okay lunch 2 or 3 days a week is no big deal. He has literally never complained, so don’t be hard on yourself.

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