Okay so this guy (21) is in my English class. I (24F) never really noticed him until Tuesday. It was our midterm week. He’s not in my class but we were all waiting for our next exam in the cafeteria. He was sitting on a sofa. I saw him. He saw me. First eye contact. It was cute. Throughout the day, we ran into each other every time we came out of an exam. I know I’ll see him for sure in my English class but our next class is not this Monday but the next one (and we’re on holidays until then). He doesn’t have instagram, I can send him a message on Teams but I think it’d be weird. So I thought I’ll just wait. But I don’t even know how to approach him once we’ll be in class (he’s pretty shy and I’ve never done that before). Need your help!

  1. Ask him a question about the classwork, make a joke about it etc. Then introduce yourself. Maybe sit next to him and start chatting.

    Tbh I have no confidence tho and haven’t done this to any cute guys in my classes. But, y’all made eye contact so maybe then it’ll work? Alternatively you could start by sitting near him and then ask the question and then move over?

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