Basically, every time I tell my girlfriend a joke or some sort of vulnerable comment, I’m anxious that her first reaction will be to find it dumb and ignore it. Like, you know when your brain comes up with a joke that you find hilarious and then you say it out loud and it’s just crickets? Kind of like that.

I can’t really say where these feelings come from since, yes, it has happened, but she’ll engage with me even if it’s clear she didn’t complete get a comment or joke, or didn’t find it funny. And the same goes for me, if she makes a dad joke that doesn’t quite land, I’ll just try to keep the point of the conversation going.

I guess what I’m afraid of is that she’ll keep listening to these dumb jokes/comments and eventually think I’m a perfectly ridiculous man with not really that much to offer, and she’ll slowly lose attraction for me.

How to work out these feelings?

**tl;dr:** Often feel anxious that my girlfriend will find my jokes and comments dumb. It distresses me and makes me feel like she’ll eventually lose attraction for me. How to work out these feelings?

  1. I’ve often heard a joke I didn’t get immediately and then saw what someone was saying later, so I didn’t react, but it doesn’t mean I thought less of the person. And sometimes I don’t think a joke is funny but as long as it isn’t bigoted or mean, it doesn’t make me think less of someone. Why do you worry she will think less of you? Has she ever done anything to give that impression?

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