I (18m) have been talking to this girl at a place I’ve been working at for a bit. She is the coolest girl I’ve ever met, Funny, relatable, just a joy to talk with. I overheard a conversation where she mentioned she had a boyfriend, I obviously respect that and am good with just being a friend, but now I think asking for her number could seem weird/sus and don’t want to make it awkward (especially when we work at the same place) how could I casually ask for her number just for communication( I don’t use social media other than Reddit and BR if your gonna suggest I ask for that)

  1. maybe something like “i overheard you talking to XYZ and understand you’re in a relationship. i just think you’re cool to talk to and was wondering if you would be open to exchanging numbers and talking at all outside of work. like i said, i know you are in a relationship, so if this crosses any boundaries with your s/o, i am happy to continue only to talk in person.” obviously it doesn’t have to be all that, make it your own 🙂

  2. Always have a business/work related reason when asking for numbers at work. Otherwise, they will think you are hitting on them. Asking for her number because she is a cool person or “just for communication” are not valid reasons.

    If you get her number, set the tone of all conversations. Keep conversations friendly, but professional. No texting everyday 24-7-365. Don’t go into personal topics. Also, don’t be needy, clingy, or desperate for her responses.

    If you don’t get her number, take No for the answer and leave her alone. Do not chase or beg her to give you her number.

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