men of reddit, how often do you wash your hair and what is your hair type?

  1. Once or twice a week depending on buildup. I have medium length (down to my chin) hair that is thick and straight. Most of the time, it’s just a rinse and condition.

  2. Every day. Ive got light brown hair, kinda straight with a slight wave and I wear a tight fade up the back and sides with just a little more length on top

  3. I wash my hair(shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer) 1-2 times a week, I have fine blonde hair, and a somewhat dry scalp.

  4. Used to be thick and majestic. Started getting the old peninsula at 20, now 28. Hair type; (now thinning) white-males afro (untameable, grows in all directions, refuses to lay down and has a slight curl to it) Hairwashing (and products too) depends on what I’m doing. Started a new job recently as a pretend joiner/joiners assistant (joiner without that magic piece of paper). So currently im washing my hair twice a day; Morning, for vanity reasons(getting rid of bedhair and sits better throughout the day + freshen up/helps wake up. And after work to get rid of sawdust and sweat.
    Products; currently head and shoulders because it was cheaper, normally tressemé and an argan oil conditioner. Beard mousse and oil.

  5. Only if it gets visible dirt in it. Like, if I work on my car and get oil in it.

    Otherwise, only water when I shower.

    Hair type is regular blondish hair.

  6. Fine 2b hair. Wash daily with water, shampoo dries my hair out too much. Adding keratine oil every 2 days.

  7. I remember in 5th grade, we had a little “puberty seminar” thing. There was a little packet that we were given that sake that black guys should wash their hair 2-3 a week, because curly/coily hair shouldn’t be washed too often. So I do that.

  8. Daily with eco friendly ingredients and everything can be pronounced. Same with all my soaps. Still haven’t found a deodorant that works good without processed stuff in it.

  9. Typically once a week, but additional washes often occur during summer or as needed per activities – chin-length straight brown/gray hair.

  10. Short and think head of hair. Probably rinse it with just water every night. Wash it when I workout every other day.

  11. Thick, brown wavy (not curly) hair. Used to be short but after the pandemic started I’ve grown it and brush it back, so when it’s wet it’s probably like… nose-mouth length. If I let it grow a little longer, I should be able to put it in a little bun.

    I shower every morning. Only exceptions are when I’m sick, which doesn’t happen often. Shampoo and conditioner. Then I just pat it with a towel and let it air dry.

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