So there’s this guy I like and we became good friends back in April of this year. We met because of a class and started hanging out often, talking a lot, and I got the vibe he liked me too (a lot of other people got the same vibe and asked me if we were dating). We hung out over the summer a bit and texted non stop. However in August all of a sudden the responses got a bit slower and when school started up again we didn’t see each other so we didn’t get to interact in person.

Texting has gotten slower and slower with days without responses. I thought it was personal but turns out he isn’t really talking to anyone and cut off most people around him. I’m not sure how to help because he is my friend before all else…

Should I say something and do I even have a shot? I feel like it’s definitely not the time to bring it up.. How can I help him out?

Any advice is helpful..

1 comment
  1. If I were you I would contact him and say something along the lines of I want to understand you or help me understand you or something like that. Also, mention something along the lines of I won’t judge you. It is possible that he feels misunderstood or something similar and that this feeling is causing him to cut people off. Based on my personal experience acting the way he is acting if this is the case you will win him over by offering to understand him etc.

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