I’m in college now, used to have debilitating social anxiety in middle school / high school, but I worked through it and convinced myself I was over it since I no longer had panic attacks or had to leave social situations to hide in the bathroom anymore

But now I realize I’m not over it and conversations that are supposed to be simple and on the surface, I end up getting anxious when I’m asked a question that only needs a short answer, but I get anxious giving a short answer so I start over explaining which eventually becomes over sharing and crossing personal life territory then being faced by someone who is taken a bit off guard by what I said and hesitates cause they don’t know what to say so I just end it with “soo yeah it’s all good now” or whatever other fake conclusion I can quickly think of to get me out of the situation

Then I leave and just get mad at myself for not being able to talk like a normal person and barely being able to maintain a 4 sentence total conversation.

Really effects my self esteem making me feel like I’m not capable of talking

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