what makes you happy?

  1. Ever been at the driving range and had an old many say something along the lines of “I wish I could still hit ‘em like that”

  2. Helping others, cuddling with my wife and cat, playing board games and tabletop roleplaying games, reading fiction, cooking and baking, putting on clean socks, hugging big people.

  3. Working with my hands, supporting my students, and spending quality time with the people I love.

  4. Some candy, fried rice with chicken, beef, and shrimp, hanging out with my best friend, my family, and big booty Latinas

  5. I am at my happiest when I am constantly achieving small goals I set for myself. That’s the point of it all. Struggle, fail, struggle, fail, struggle, succeed and then do it again.

  6. Cooking for people besides myself and seeing them enjoy what I make for them. Also, volunteering in my community. Just helping people in whatever way I can.

  7. This proves that men of reddit are not happy somehow.. anyway what makes me happy is spending time here on this subreddit

  8. My sports. I love getting to compete and then I love watching others play my sports! I love sports!

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