I can leak like crazy just from arousal, even without physical simulation — like, enough to see it through my pants. I’m not exactly embarrassed by this — women I’ve been with have always really enjoyed it — but as a practical matter, it sucks. Like, I don’t want to put anything in my pockets after that. I don’t want to touch my pants, or use my laptop, or let my cat snuggle me on the couch, not until I’ve changed.

I saw two different urologists about this and they both told me there was nothing they could do, and that it’s normal. Fair enough — I get that this is, in all likelihood, not indicative of a serious medical problem. My therapist is now saying that I need to start working on exposure therapy for this; just get used to the idea that yeah, some of my stuff is going to have precum on it. I’m confident that I can get there, if I work at it, but it feels… I don’t know, like, I wouldn’t be happy if I found out this was going on with someone else and they just kept touching stuff.

I know people have different norms around sex and cleaning, and I have a mild obsessive streak that can cause me to take the idea of contamination too seriously. Is this just a case of my being hugely misaligned about what “normal” is? Do the rest of you just soak your pants and put your phone in your pocket, then, hand your phone to someone else to order food, and not think about any of this?

1 comment
  1. Well in all honesty there’s 2 sides to this situation.

    One: your body will find an equilibrium with the sexual activity it anticipates. If you’re young (no age provided)you probably just need to masturbate more to alleviate arousal during the day. If you’re older than say 25, same, but it may be a sign of testicular issues.

    Two: wet wipes. Excuse yourself and clean up best you can in the bathroom. Try and keep them on you in order to reduce the clothing problems..

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