I have a friend who’s dating a guy who never finishes with sex and is big. He also goes through depressive periods and shuts himself away so I think it would be due to ssri use but no one’s explicitly said so and I’ve never asked bc it’s not my place. But I was wondering if guys like that can get off by themselves or if they ever can? Or what do they do if they can’t? Just have wet dreams?

  1. Every bodies body is different. There can be a physical issue or a psychological issue and have that same effect, or a combination of both.

    There is a side effect to a lotnof mental health medication that can mess with your libido. I know ssirs do but so do adhd drugs in my experience.

    There is also pssd, which is post ssri sexual dysfunction. If you ever taken an ssri/snri you can just permanently andnirreversably fuck up your libido and it doesn’t go away even if you stop the medicine, even when years later etc. Just fucks it.

    There’s also anorgasmia, which can be a physical or psychological condition that makes it extremely difficult or impossible to achieve climax.

    I can only orgasm through wet dreams cause of a mix of the above. I havent found a cure or fix for anything, but I’ve read about lots that have. Its worth it to seek out help. The best thing I’ve done is change my view on sex, its not about orgasms or even about getting my dick wet anymore. I just like the fun and intimacy of it, kinks and stuff as opposed to sex. But thats just me.

  2. Sex is both physical and psychological. SSRIs act on the psychological component of this, And is a big complicated chain of events that leads to interesting outcomes.

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