I saw my old mates today hanging out and having fun and they didn’t call me, i was passing by and stopped for a minute to catch up but they all got awkward and didn’t even say a word. I have always been good to all of them and i learned they all hangout every day in the evening but they never call me. I’m deeply sad by this feeling i don’t know how to react.

  1. It’s okay to feel so. It almost feels like betrayal. You did reach out to them but got off vibes from them.
    There’s nothing you can do about this. Relationships and friendships cannot be forced. Just concentrate on yourself, making your life better and move on from this incident.

  2. Since the bridge is already on fire, might as well see what you can learn. Id go to the friend you trust the most and just be like “Hey, I understand if you guys don’t want me around. But I’d also like to know if there’s any feedback you can give me as to why. I’m not here to judge that feedback. Just try and learn from it.”

    If he decides to tell you…DO NOT JUDGE and DO NOT DEFEND. It is what it is. Take the feedback. Say thanks. Move on.

  3. Some people are just dicks. Surround yourself with people who want to be around you. If you are hanging around with people that clearly don’t want you around it will lower you’re confidence drastically

  4. You said your “old mates.” Do you not ever hang out anymore? It would be normal for them not to invite you if you guys don’t spend time together lately…

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