What time do you wake up on your days off?

  1. Usually about 30 mins after my work alarm time, but then go back to sleep for another hour or two more

  2. Depends on the plans for the day. If I’m doing nothing I’ll just sleep til I wake up. If I’ve got plans but don’t have to look great, I’ll get up an hour or so before we have to go somewhere. If I actually have to put on real clothes and makeup, I’ll give myself 3 hours before I have to leave: an hour to chill and have coffee, an hour to shower and have more coffee, and an hour to get ready.

  3. Generally whenever I naturally wake up which is between 5-8AM. I’m an early bird and 8 is considered sleeping in for me.

  4. Usually around 9.30 am, but I need at least half an hour of just laying in bed before I get up.

  5. Depends. Usually around 9 because I go to bed later on the previous day if I know I don’t have to work the next. If I’m really tired, I might wake up around 11. I can’t really take naps after I awake so the amount of sleep I get is really important.

    I had a partner who would wake me up in the nicest way but it made it harder to have the energy to do things on time the rest of the day. If he let me sleep in and wake up naturally, I would miss him waking me up. Both come at a cost.

  6. I want to wake up late. Then i feel the urge to not waste my day off and just enjoy every min of it. Im always torn between these two feelings 😪

  7. I wake up around 4:00 am to pee then I try to go back to sleep and end up getting out of bed around 5:00. But I don’t work

  8. 6:00-7:00, within an hour of my alarm.

    Sometimes I surprise myself and sleep until 9:00, though.

  9. It depends on if I took my medications in the right order and at the right times, as always. Also depends on my “guys”(two cats, 1 dog) and just how long they’ll let me sleep. The older two, ages 18 yrs and 12 yrs, are pretty good at letting me sleep in. The little void, however, thinks we should get up and have breakfast before 8 am every day.

  10. I’m usually up by 8 or 9, which is usually the latest my cats will let me sleep past their weekday breakfast time of around 7:30.

  11. 6 AM, because that is when my offspring wakes up, so therefore I also wake up. I am not a morning person, but children tend to make you into one whether you want to or not.

  12. I usually wake up several times, just like I do during work days. When I actually get out of bed depends on how awake I am.

  13. 10:30 I wish I could wake up earlier but I am always so sleepy and this is after telling my bf to wake me up otherwise I’d sleep till 12ish

  14. 8:00 is the latest I can sleep even if I go to bed late. My normal sleep schedule is 8:30 to 4:30 tho

  15. Usually around 8.30, but I stay in bed for another hour and just enjoy the warmth en peace.

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