How do you balance having children with being in school for a new career? Is it better to have children while in school, or right after starting the new career?

  1. It is next to impossible to concentrate with children being children. I’m only just now considering career changing study with my kids being teens. Baby or toddler? I couldn’t do it. I know plenty of parents do, but it’s too much for me. And you do not want to be attempting to concentrate on anything challenging that requires sustained attention with a 3 year old in the house. 3 year olds are a special brand of chaos.

  2. There is no easy answer to this question. It depends on many factors, including the financial stability of the family, the support system available, and the personal preferences of the parents. Some couples choose to have children while they are still in school, so that they can focus on their studies and career goals without interruption. Others wait until they have established themselves in their new careers before starting a family. Ultimately, there is no wrong answer; it is up to the parents to decide what is best for them and their children.

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