I’m a father of a small child, in a professional white collar job, 1 tattoo on upper arm so generally hidden, and have long hair.

I don’t know exactly why. But I kind of want to get my ears pierced and start gauging them to about the size of a hole punch in paper, or a little smaller.

Is this that strange? Or any advice?

Maybe it’s that I spent all High-school trying not to be noticed and hiding. It wasn’t until late 20s or early thirties I started caring slightly less what others think about my appearance. Idk I guess I’m just that indecisive and need to hear from others?

  1. I’d recommend against it. There are other ways to stand out without altering your body. Also ask yourself what kind of attention you are seeking and whether the intended effects are in line with your character and core values.

  2. I have the same question but for getting a tattoo lol, I wanna get an upper arm tattoo that goes around only the bicep/tricep region, like [this](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IeEkufcr8sg/TPvkprVyeCI/AAAAAAAAT4Q/xWoaVfoLZOc/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/%2B_lcu70t83zY1qc%2B.jpg). Not sure what to call this type of tattoo, but it’s not ‘half sleeve’ or ‘bicep/tricep tattoo’ because all the images show completely different surface areas.

    I’m just waiting to go from 17% bodyfat down to 10-11% before I actually start considering a design idea, and that’s well before I’d ever actually pull the trigger.

    It seems like everyone I know, aside from one person, got their first tattoos between 18-25, and those who got one older only have smaller ones.

  3. Don’t live your life based on the opinions of others, or worse, what you imagine those opinions are.

  4. i’ve had my ears pierced for 20ish years. i’ve pretty much worn them nonstop since i got them at 18 or 19. I briefly gauged up but take a good long look at what you want your ear holes to look like when you remove the earring. if you gauge up too much, it just looks like a deflated balloon when you take them out. I’ve worn my 10ga loops in numerous professional environments and no one has ever said anything about it.


    also, go to a tattoo shop to get it done, not claire’s in the mall.

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