I am an 18-year-old male currently in college, even though I dress well and I take care of my hygiene and my looks aren’t bad nobody ever approaches me. even the people that I know are not interested in me at all, they ask each other to hang out but nobody asks me, and even when I try to talk they don’t do eye contact and just reply quickly and move on. I always have to be the one initiating the conversation because nobody will ever ask me anything, I am not trying to attract pity I just want a solution is the problem in them or me? should I change something about myself?

1 comment
  1. Those people may simply not want to put the effort in to get to know you or become friends with you in the same way you do with them, and that’s okay. We have our preferences to who we do like and don’t like, who we do jam with or don’t jam with, and it doesn’t make any one of us wrong in regards to the way we are. Those people not wanting to be friends with you does not mean you need to change anything about yourself. Plus, if they have a friendship group they get everything they need out of, like I have in the past, they may not feel the need to reach out to others.

    Now, I don’t know you. There could be details that aren’t here that are in actual fact things that are having an effect on your ability to make friends, socialise, etc. However, these people aren’t the end all to your social life, and are certainly not the only people you’ll ever meet. If these people don’t want to make friends with you, then great, because you’ve ruled them out, can save that time and energy for the people out there who are interested in being your friend. Now you don’t have to waste further time on them.

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