How old were you when you started adulting?

  1. 20, had to figure it out pretty quick when my mum got ill and I had to look after her and do everything she used to do

  2. I mean, sorta when I was 16, as that’s when I got my first full-time job, and moved out to my own rental a few hours away from family and friends.

    I’m almost 34 now and still don’t feel like an actual adult, though. If something unexpected happens with something or someone that makes me unsure of what to do, my immediate first thought is still “well I should probably get a responsible adult to handle this” and then I go oh right.

  3. 42 and still figuring it out 😉

    Honestly probably not till my 30s when I became a homeowner and mother.

  4. I’m 30. I haven’t found the adulting manual yet. Just out here winging it. lol.

  5. Hm the process started at 19 when I moved to another country on my own but from 20-23. I was healing my trauma by partying and taking drugs lol. So I would say since then.

  6. Yesterday I made a big potage of all the ingredients in the fridge that will otherwise go off while I’m away for a week and froze it for when I get back.

    So yesterday I guess. I’m 48.

  7. I’m an emotional support animal/stuffed toy. I started when I was 4. At some point it was decided that I should be used as a piñata. It’s been like 15 years give or take 4.

  8. Started? In my teens when I had to parent my parents.

    That being said I’m now in my 30s and still feel like I have a long way to go before I actually figure out how to do it right.

  9. Adulting came when I started being responsible for other people. In my case that was 25. While I was on my own and independent at 17, but didn’t feel like an adult, despite being responsible for my own livelihood.

  10. Probably 27 or so, when I was forced to move off-base because I was no longer an E-4 or below. I had to have my own place, pay electric and water bills, all that. I hated it.

  11. Oldest daughter of 9 kids here. Ten years old. That’s the age I was left with the kids for hours and was put in charge of my assigned kid’s needs.

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