I’m 27 now and really want to be estranged even though I’m not currently working (I’ll find something soon).

I would say I was a pretty good kid, and I went to a top college but would just drink on the weekends and couldn’t get a high GPA (which was the extent of how bad I was).

My mom got remarried. When I came back for summer break, I thought I could stay in my childhood home no problem. My older sister refused to let me live there and took over the entire home, repainted my childhood bedroom. I didn’t expect that, and her reasoning was that she lived with mom at my age, so i should too.

I had to move into my stepdad and moms house which was a new environment and a new person to me obviously. My mom was helping me financially and suddenly cut off my card. I actually would have been fine with this snd making my own money, but she did this without notice, so it was impossible to find jobs at the last min.

There then were ridiculous rules all of the sudden when I was 22ish. I lost the house key once, and they wouldn’t let me carry a house key at all. I had to use a lockbox to get in, and my mom would regularly lock me out of the house when she was angry. They also set a curfew of 12 am which I never had before. If I didn’t come home on time, she would lock me out. One time she took pictures of me after I had been drinking and came into the house. She constantly mocked me for being an alcoholic and made it sound like I was on drugs to my stepdad.

They wouldn’t let me stay in the house alone. On the weekends, they would make me go to their second house when I just wanted peace and quiet.

I basically was terrified all the time of being locked out, and super stressed. My dad had just died like a year or two prior so you would think my stepdad would empathize.

We were screaming all the time, and my sister still refused to let me live with her. All of my friends thought it was insane, and over time I lost a lot of friends due to them not wanting to come over, my own stress.

Also, when I called them abusive, my stepdad kicked me out in the middle of the night. I had to stay with a friend. I gained weight during this time and started drinking more.

Lastly, as you can imagine, I ended up just taking whatever first job I found in order to move out. So I took jobs because I was desperate to get out, when I could have found better ones. I ALSO LIVE IN THE MOST EXPENSIVE CITY IN THE US. rental prices are insane.

I think my mom went legit insane, I’m 27 and things have been better recently but idw anything to do with them? I texted all of them f*ck you. I would they they literally ruined my life and all of the great potential I had during that time. Lost friends, substance abuse, and psychological issues etc.

Edit: I want to add, they’ve been helpful and nice recently, but its only after piecing myself together after a big weight gain and losing all my friends. So I just texted them f*ck you and idw anything to do with them, and I probably have PTSD from being terrified of being homeless.

  1. All I can say based on this is that it sounds like you are all a lot better off living apart and having minimum or no contact.

  2. I would just do your own thing. You’re 27. At your age, I had been moved out 9 years. I had lived in an apartment, a house share and was now in my own house. I’m 31 now and I’m on my second house. Forget focussing on them. Do your own shizz. Personal agency.

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