So I really need some help with a problem I’ve got. I (m18) have just gone to university this year and just got back home for the holidays, I don’t go back until Feb but I’ve had the best few months of my life so far and made some really great friends. I haven’t really tried looking for a relationship because to be honest I’ve had so much fun with these new guys I’ve met (we actually managed to go on holiday for a week during uni which was awesome!).

A week into university my girlfriend broke up with me for “mental health” reasons however I was later to find out she was simply just shagging her flatmate! But that’s not what I’m here for… thankfully I’ve worked on myself and am over that, it’s in the past.

When I found out about my ex, there was a girl from back home who was really supportive of me that helped me get through it from my close friend group. I never really had feelings for her but I’ve found myself recently falling for her and find any excuse I can to see her. We go on car rides together, watch movies and shows and just generally get on really well and chat a lot.

Now the 2 problems I have are

1. This girl has only recently turned 16. In the UK this is legally OK for us to be together but I just still think people would frown on me for making a move and people might think I’m a weirdo and can’t “get anyone my age”.

2. One of my best friends used to really like this girl like he REALLY was in love with her but she shut him down pretty quick and to be honest he was really mean to her after.

So I guess what I’m asking is
A) Is it worth it? I mean I’m in university so why would I start a long distance relationship

B) Would it be OK for me to? Not just because she’s 16 but because of my best friend?

C) if I should go for it how should I do it? She’s been a really great friend over the past year and a bit and especially over the past 4 months and I don’t wanna mess that up!

Thanks for any advice and I’m really sorry about this being so long!

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