If your friend lends you $5 , you buy a lottery ticket and win $80 million. How much would you give your friend back?

  1. Well, none of my friends and family would ever know I won the lottery. I’d pay my friend back with a ten dollar bill and a year or so later he’d received some mysterious million dollar prize from a blind trust or something similar.

  2. State & local governments take HALF of the 80 million. Now you have $40 million. You give him $6 million. He pays 50% of *THAT* ‘gift’ in federal, state & local taxes. You get $34 million. He gets $3 million.

  3. 5 dollars. It’s what I borrowed and before I bought the ticket they were just expecting to be paid back 5 dollars . Just kidding, I’d give them 5 million because without that loan I would have never won.

  4. Slippery slippery slope. I would hope they would never know, because even your closest friends would try and get some off you and make you feel bad about keeping so much to yourself. If I wasn’t like that, maybe enough to pay off their debts and that’s it. I also live in Canada so it wouldn’t be taxed. Come to think about it, it’s pretty much the only thing in Canada that ISNT taxed

  5. Realistically, maybe 10% of the post-tax winnings AND they have to sign an agreement to never try to pursue legal action against you in the future for your win.

  6. I don’t know what I would do in the actual situation, but I’d like to hope I’d give them several million.

  7. As repayment? Probably give him a crisp $100

    But I’d probably take him on vacation or something later on and spend several thousand doing so

  8. $5 (for the loan)

    Then something special for win. (If he is into a muscle cars – a muscle car)

  9. At least 5$ cause it was lent. Really depends on the friend after that. I’d definitely give them a respectable amount, 4 zeroes at minimum. But whether or not they’d find it was from me would again depend on the friend.

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