That’s because since college, I had a bunch of them and we used to hang out (very occasionally due to work stress) but then came graduation and all, we got scattered either in different states or countries and I mostly tried to stay in touch with everyone, but through time, I noticed if I don’t start a convos, say hi, ask how they’re doing or if there’s a chance to reunite for catching up and stuff then nothing happens, not even a single nudge, I made some ghosting on social media leaving my accounts active and I concluded the real friends that I can always depend on and can expect messages and calls out of the blue are only close family members, they stood by me on my happy and hardest times and I can never be thankful enough these days for having them in my life. I did cut contact with them, I would respond if there’s a message from them but I’d guess it would be just their time of need to take profits from me, and also it’s a bonus to learn my self-worth as well, it’s not traumatic but I get to choose who to befriend with. Yes I do socialise with people but making actual friends is an achievement that is rare in a man’s (or woman’s) life. I wish though to have friends with the same level of integrity but 21st century says otherwise (I’m glad I have pets too, they’re great).

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