Conservatively speaking, I’ve got like 15+ friends I’ll talk to throughout any given week. This includes guys I grew up with (including my brother), close friends from college, friends from my fraternity, & people I play fantasy sports with. But I don’t have any friends who are women.

By that, I mean – if I wanted to have a quick chat, grab dinner, or need advice, I don’t have a single female friend I can turn to. In my teens/college years, I was acquainted w/ dozens of women, but I was never truly close w/ anybody and naturally I just grew apart from them.

I’ve been in relationships for much of the last 4 years, so I’m not questioning my charm, or ability to appear attractive to a potential partner. I’m just curious if this is something women think about when they first start talking to a guy. I do have a younger sister I can talk to, but there’s a bit of an age gap.

  1. Most of my friends are female and honestly that’s been a detriment to my getting a gf more than more than its helped.

    Theyre gay so they won’t introduce me to women (they dont interact with straight people, I’m an exception bc I’m brother to their ringleader) and women I meet don’t like that I hang around women, even though theyre lesbians

    YMMV my sister may just be a shit

  2. I’ll be honest I have a couple of good female friends but I rarely see anything of them as they live abroad.

    One I message quite frequently and did visit her a couple of times this year.

    I do know a few women through hobbies, friends that I get on well with but don’t hang out with one to one.

    I don’t really see it as a red flag and don’t think other women will either.

  3. I normally would not see it as one, no. However, my ex-bf didn’t have any female friends despite constantly being surrounded by women, and it became very apparent why: females didn’t like him because he was sexist and disrespectful toward women. So I guess I would say I take interest in whether a guy I’m dating has female friends a little bit more than I used to. My current bf has a handful of awesome female friends, and it is just confirmation to me that he is an awesome person too and not sexist either.

  4. I don’t think it’s a red flag, there are plenty of men just like you. It’s pretty normal. Personally, I prefer men that have both male and female friends because I feel like I have more in common with them.

  5. I’d say if you want women friends just go to social hangouts, parties etc and talk with new people men and women alike. Take action when you can and be patient. But no dude. It’s not a dealbreaker, Maundy dudes just hangout with other guys and still get dates from apps or meeting irl.

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