I’m sick of it, I’m 20 and at this point have very few friends because the majority of them have gone away for college. Of the friends I have we aren’t super close and I don’t feel like they care about me a whole lot. They flake out on me half the time I make plans with them. I feel like nobody gives a shit about my issues. I feel so unwanted, it’s making me depressed at this point since it’s been like this on some level for 2 years. I’m going back to college full time in January, but tbh I doubt anything will change because even though I’m very friendly people just aren’t looking to be friends with me I guess. I doubt I’m going to find friends or a girlfriend.

And then I work up the courage to ask a girl out that seemed really interested, only to get left on read. I know asking someone out over text isn’t the best but I’m really shy and I just couldn’t do it in person. Now I don’t blame her or anything, I just really want to be close to someone so I’m disappointed. I was excited because it felt like somebody wanted me.

I’m feeling very unwanted because I get rejected all the time. I feel like I’ll never have a good group of friends or a girlfriend.

1 comment
  1. I’m mid 30s so take my opinion with a grain of salt. It seems like with social media prevelance nowadays people are casting social nets a lot wider but also a lot shallower.

    If you want to engage like that, make sure you’re not putting too much energy in when its not being returned. If you *dont* want to engage like that, understand others likely do, and your success rate for getting deep will be low.

    As for “your issues”, even when I stay up to 3am talking to my friend about deep personal philosophical shit, we’re both still talking more about ourselves than engaging with each others’ issues. Its not that we dont care. Its that its impossible to contextualize our issues well enough to get someone else to understand them, less so fix them. So we show each other that we care by offering back and forth our life stories and lessons learned. And hope that something in there sticks. But also, we both come to the table with issues AND solutions. So make sure you’re not just dumping your issues at someone else’s feet.

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