How long of an engagement is too long, in your eyes?

  1. Whatever amount of time the couple agree upon as being “too long”. Personally, I was really cool with taking time, and didn’t want to get married too early.
    We were engaged 6,5 years before getting married. Totally fine.

  2. 2 years. 1 years to digest the excitement and 1 year to plan. Anything more is avoiding something bigger.

  3. No set time. We got married after 6 years together but marriage wasn’t important to me.

  4. When either of the people engaged together feel like it’s too long for them, then that’s too long for them.

    Beyond that, there’s no limit.

  5. 3 years. It really shouldn’t take more than 2 to successfully plan and have a wedding. Anything longer and there’s something else going on.

  6. It really depends on the situation. Some peoole want to get married quickly, others don’t. Beyind that, things can get in the way. One of my coworkers got engaged during the Summer. They wanted to enjoy this first and start planning around now… except she’s pregnant. They are now pushing the wedding back a bit. There is tons of other things that might also come up (like the pandemic, it’s understandable that couples wanted to wait instead of having a pandemic wedding).

  7. I told my now husband I didn’t want to be engaged for more than a year. Then covid hit and we were engaged for 3 🙃

  8. I want to milk being a fiancé, so I’m fine with a fair few years! I know some couples who have been engaged for like 20 years, that’s too long, but 5 – fine.

  9. Long enough that one person gets annoyed with waiting. If both people are fine being engaged that’s on them. I was engaged just shy of 3 years when I got married. I would have been fine waiting longer.

  10. none, be engaged forever if you want.

    My husband works with a guy from France who’s been engaged to his wife for 8 years. They cant get married because of citizenship troubles, but they consider themselves husband and wife. Thats all it takes.

  11. I wouldn’t want an engagement that was longer than 1 1/2 year, unless something like a pandemic delayed the wedding timeline.

    I don’t see the point in being engaged if you don’t plan on getting married right after.

  12. Id say it depends. If they’re young but not ready to get married but also wanting to “move forward” in their relationship, id say a handful of years or till they hit, say 25ish. If theyre in their late 20s or older and theyve been engaged for 2 years, havent set a target date, and havent even started talking to venues to pin down a date??? 😬😬😬

  13. There’s some comments saying 2 years and I think that’s crazy. I don’t know anyone that got engaged in that short period of time. 2 years is what a relationship normally last, if you will have to marry every of them…

    Mostly people I know got engaged after 5-7 years…I think that’s a good enough period of time to know if you want to spend the rest of your life with that person or not

  14. Anything after a year in a half; obviously everyone is different.

    My husband proposed 12/2019 we were married 4 months later we were ready to make the commitment after being together for 4 years

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