Met virtually at work months ago (she’s Minneapolis I’m Chicago), went to a concert with her and her friends — after that we didn’t talk for a few months.

Recently: She let me know she was coming to town for a few days (to visit her friends) and until she arrived we would text lightly and and even joked around about me needing to make my way to her city, (would also send pics of her doing a cooking class or like coffee she’s making)— also accepted to be my +1 for event and hinted at maybe being in CHI for new years to see her friends. Also tried making plans for Sunday weekend of event she was going to attend with me and she said yes depending on plans with her friends.

Event day: During holiday party (event) we chat a bit (quiet moments at times) and after event I went with her and her friend to a bar and by end of night we were holding hands made out like twice before leaving to our Ubers.

Saturday: I tell her I hope she’s recovering well and she sends a pic of a espresso and says “very well hahaha”


Me: “Morning! Dinner later today and winter lights”

Her: morning! I just talked with the friend I’m staying with and she wanted to do something tonight together, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to!! so sorry!

Me: No worries at all! Would def like to see you again before you leave so if you find some time let me know 🙂

Her: yes I will let you know!!! not sure if i will be able to though just as a heads up. Have a good Sunday though!


HER: Hey hey! I have more work then expected and I’m grabbing dinner with my friend later so I won’t be able to do something
Hope you have a good night!

Me: No worries, glad I got to see you!!Travel safe back home
Hope to see you out here for new years and I eventually gotta try (her name’s) coffee shop 🙂

*she hearted both of those messages and that’s it.

*note the coffee shop joke I made was a reference to a text she sent a while back saying I should make my way to her minnesota to try her coffee lol

What do I make of this? Is she still interested??

  1. Hmm are you sure she’s single? You have to put your foot down (figuratively) and ask her for drinks or something one on one, if she flakes or doesn’t respond to your invites, she’s probably not interested in dating you.

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