My bf (24) and i (23f) were having sex with eachother while noone was home and after he got me there he started going as fast as he could to make himself finish. while I was freaking out with my orgasm my mom annouces that her and her bf? Idk what they are, that they were home, now my bf and I are too friggin embarrassed to leave the room and she wants me to take out the trash. Idk what to do, I invited my friend over to help make the situation less awkward but idk!

  1. You’re in your 20’s and pretty sure your mother knows what sex is and that people in a relationship in their 20s like to have sex.

    Nothing to be embarrassed about.

  2. Imagine yourself in 25 years and how you will be with your daughter. If she were in the room with her boyfriend doing what you did, how would you react? You’d probably be pretty cool with it. If you have a mother who bought you sex toys, I would guess she has the same reaction. Personally, I would make a joke out of it, make an innuendo, have a few laughs and move on.

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