I have recently been talking to this girl from my university. We met through mutual friends. Hit it off pretty well I would say, she was laughing a most of the stuff that I said and I’ve always thought she was pretty so I thought this might go in the right direction. She added me on snapchat eventually and I added her back. One day she texted me about help with some classes because she was told I was good with that stuff.

Once I finished helping her out with that kind of stuff I wanted to keep the conversations going and continue to text which we still are to this day. But it’s not how I would like it to be. Some days, she replies within an hour, other days it’s 1 day. Then the next day she’s back to 4 hours. Then back to 16 hours. I literally just cannot read it at all. I have thought, oh maybe she’s just not interested in me. But when she does reply, she’s not dry at all. She keeps the conversations still going and asks question sometimes.

I have been told she has talked about me and brought me up in conversations in the past even while I’m not there. She has told me that she told her parents about me and all that stuff which I thought was really good. But then I found out her parents know about me for not a good reason… She told them about how I was failing one of my classes and really struggling to get my grade up.

Does anyone have any advice on how I should play this? Or if it’s even worth still trying.

Thank you!

  1. I’d say that you ask her out and make it specific that it’s a date (e.g.: “hey, want to go out on a date sometime?”). If she says anything other than yes or is unsure, be polite and wish her well.

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