I’ve never experienced the kind of love you read about. Obviously there are some things depicted in social media/movies/books that aren’t realistic, but Ive never had someone go out of their way to do nice things for me. Do people give “just because” flowers to their partners anymore? Or write little appreciation notes for their partners or even text once in a while to tell their loved one they’re thinking about them? Maybe I’m finding the wrong people or maybe it’s just super rare nowadays to find someone that’s all in on you 100% but damn lol I always feel like I go out of my way to do things for my partner that I know they would appreciate and it’s never reciprocated. But maybe I’m expecting people to do more than I should idk. I’ve just always thought of love as adopting your partners love language even though it might not be yours? Am I wrong to think that?

1 comment
  1. >Do people give “just because” flowers to their partners anymore? Or write little appreciation notes for their partners or even text once in a while to tell their loved one they’re thinking about them?

    Yes, people actually do these things… but, sadly, it’s not very common these days. Mostly because it never occurs to most people to do this sort of thing, or they are too petty or lazy to consider it.


    > But maybe I’m expecting people to do more than I should

    You’re *expecting* this?

    I’ll just charitably say… “don’t hold your breath waiting (for this to happen)” !

    The bad news here is that a very high level of apathy and inconsideration (and, in my mind, *stupidity*) has been normalized. I compare this to a bed of beautiful flowers overwhelmed by a super-horde of weeds.

    If we lived in a 1980s rom-com, then this would be reasonable expectation; otherwise I’d say you’re setting yourself up for a disappointment.

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