What is your definition of unconditional love and do you feel like you have ever received it, and from whom? Multiple examples appreciated. 🙂

  1. Yes. From my child. I love her unconditionally too. I would still love her if she was the worst person in the world. I wouldn’t like her, probably. But I would still love her and die for her.

  2. My Mum and Dad loved me unconditionally, in that they would always love me no matter what. But parent/child relationships can have expectations. My daughter loves me unconditionally, but parent/child relationships can be fraught. My friends love me unconditionally but feelings can be hurt. My sister loves me unconditionally. I would consider it a perfect relationship. No demands, no expectations, enjoying each other’s company and unconditional love. But I do credit my parents for that for how they raised us so fairly.

  3. Unconditional love to me is loving someone regardless of their life choices and mistakes. Although I don’t believe that means you have to deal with abuse from that person.

    And I’ve only shared that with my child.

  4. My grandmother. She would’ve thrown herself in from of a moving train to protect me. Of that I have no doubt.

  5. Unconditional love is a feeling of deep affection that is not based on anything else but the simple fact that you love the other person. It is often said that parents have unconditional love for their children, but it can also be felt between friends, partners, or family members. I have definitely felt unconditional love from my parents, grandparents, and close friends.

  6. I’ve felt unconditional love from a few relatives – no matter what, I know they will always love me. Unconditional love does not mean unconditional tolerance though.

  7. I am where I am today because of my dad. He sacrificed so much and he loved me much that I would not be able to repay it in 10 lifetimes. I lost him this year and I miss him.

  8. My grandmother.

    All my family members are somewhat in a competition which each other or others. They are driven by comparison and negatives. I am not like them and I crave for praises or just they are being content with me. But I mostly get criticized for something even though I accomplish stuff but they are not important.

    It has been like that my whole life.

    My grandmother on the other hand, did not judge me that whole 24 years we knew each other. She was happy when she saw me and not looking for something to bring me down. She died 7 years ago.

    I believe love is to be happy for someone only because they are happy. And trust them, and let them be.

    I am sure my parents love me, but my father thinks he should push me to “be better” and my mother thinks she needs to understand and know everything about everything I do to support or be happy for me. So I have this person who is never happy with me, asking for more. And the other is constantly judging and interrogating me to decide if she wants to support me or take me down.

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