Hi guys, I love this subreddit because the more I read about what you write , the more understanding I have of who I am and what I’m capable of as a person so it’s awesome to be in this subreddit really…

Over weeks now I’ve been on the journey to a greater self awareness and it’s been rocky but I’ve been getting results

I used to think to myself what a shitty conversationalist I was but guess what guys, all it has taken was for me to find one person among many people that likes me as much as I like them ( or at least feels that way)

That way the burden of conversation was ridiculously lower, and I could feel the rapport building and the bond forming because I put in as much energy and felt equal amount of effort being put back and it has just allowed for a smooth relationship forming

Now I’ve realized that the more you do something, the more you can do it in other ways.

Guess what, I met someone else and same thing is happening even though the second relationship feels completely different and feels good at the same time because I can tell the other person likes me just as much as I am liking them .

If I do some introspection, this is possible because I have delaying gratification in my everyday life and channeling the time in between to better myself in one way or the other , guys it this simple.

  1. Its amazing how much one little gift from someone can spark a wave of gift giving from others. This is true socially too.

  2. This is an extremely good point! I hope lots of people on this sr read this as their anxiety would be quickly dampened by understanding the truth to this!

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