Hi Guys. I need to improve my social skills especially with girls(casue I start to panic while talking to them). So is there any legit app that can help me talk to random strangers and improve my communication skills.

  1. this app or whisper omegle idk lol there’s tons of apps you can talk to strangers a lot of them are weird n pervy cause thiss iss the internet but there’s a lot of genuine people too

  2. I downloaded bumble thr dating app. They have BFF for those who are looking for friends

  3. There’s this app where users can create posts, then strangers comment on it and talk, you might have heard of it.

    Other people already gave pretty good suggestions give them a shot and have fun!

  4. Ome.tv. It’s an Omegle knockoff but I find that the people are generally nicer on there than on Omegle. You’ll still run into a few jerks, pervs, and old guys, just not as many.

  5. You can download an app called SLOWLY it’s a digital pen pal app and you can meet people from all over the world.

  6. Do you have problems with text communication or in person? No app will help you with in-person.

  7. Tandem is an app were pepe learn languages, so you could list your profile as an English speaker, or whatever other languages you know and you can text with people through there.

  8. Try eating at the bar in a restaurant with a female bar tender. May sound odd, but I’ve done it with either sex. It helps me get better at doing things alone while eating, which I enjoy, and bar tenders are usually cool if you are kind.

  9. There’s a vrchat world named “no time two talk” you get two minutes to talk to someone completely random and anonymously. Most people are very nice and talkative. 10/10 would recommend

  10. If your looking for an actual conversation without the intention of receiving nudes you can message me but just a heads up. . . I’m weird

  11. Any social media with messaging tool can do but I’d suggest as well HelloTalk. It let’s you learn new language by talking to people or natives around the world.

  12. I still miss AOL chat rooms for this reason. A lot of a/s/l creeps but had some great online buddies.

  13. Omegle. It’s a website where your webcam connects to others. You’ll meet some entertaining people on there

  14. There’s none in my experience. Nobody really wants to meet people here and these apps always devolve into hookup apps full of catfishes.

  15. I suggest using Quilt. Everyone there is nice and there’s so many people to talk to.

  16. If you want to learn another language there are a ton of apps that let you talk to people from all over the world who are doing the same. I have made at least one life long friend that way.

  17. Sometimes, I feel uncomfortable talking to men. 😅 When I’m bored I try omegle and talk to strangers, sometimes you get nice people which is like 1 or 2 in a million. 😂

  18. Clubhouse is a neat app. Just put your interests and find chat groups to join. You can just listen or participate if you like.

  19. My friends just created an app for college students. Audio 1-1 based (audio conveys more true emotions than text), choose who to talk to based on topics created, not facial features. They believe a lot in safety, so they have reviews after the calls to protect women and keep the community safe in general. Super proud of them!

    a pure platonic app to talk to college students nearby, if you will. Pandemic loneliness inspired them. It’s called ‘Okepos’. Only for college students in US for now, as far as I know.

  20. Not sure if you’ve heard of this perspective: The confidence to talk to girls is the same confidence you talk to anyone.
    It’s better to learn to talk to everyone first, it will come naturally to you to talk to girls later on.
    Complimenting the barista on their great coffee, asking where the beans are from how they roast it, talking to a stranger who’s reading a book you like at the school lawn, asking more questions during lectures in class, hanging out with friends more often and expressing your thoughts more eloquently.

    These all contribute to you having more confidence as a whole.

    Check out this link to learn how to socialize better too: [https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/kqaiow/if_you_think_you_are_boring_read_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/kqaiow/if_you_think_you_are_boring_read_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

    Hope it helps!

    And btw, my friend told me to plug here lol. if you’re still looking for an app to chat anytime with other college students 1-1 safely based on common topics, here’s the link: https://apps.apple.com/app/okepos-make-talking-fun/id1582347500

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