TL;DR: My girlfriend treats me unfairly
My gf and I, we’ve been together for 8 months.

She behaves with me like her ex behaved with her, she is cold and gets mad at me every time I do something just like her ex used to do to her, she doesn’t want to open to me but to her ex she was open with everything.

It hurts me when she does this things it’s like her ex was better than me even though he cheated on her and treated her bad.

I did none of this things but still I am the one treated badly.

Idk what to do to make her treat me the same I treat her.

I just want one thing from her, I want her to show me the love and respect I show to her.

I just want to feel appreciated, I know that I’m not perfect but I also had a rough childhood and I always wanted a girl that treats me the same I treat her, that’s the only thing I want.

1 comment
  1. Leave. She isn’t the person for you. There’s nothing stopping you. If anyone treats you poorly you leave. You lick your wounds, recover, date other people.

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