What is the most “fuck it I’m a teenager” thing you’ve ever done

  1. Went out ramaging, broke into a mans home that just died, with my high school buddies, took his Crown royal and got drunk. Then later we broke in a firework stand and stole over 750$ worth of goodies. Hid them in trash bags and proceeded to have the most epic roman candle shootout ever..before having to pay it all back 😂

  2. Graffiti’d my school, wandered around in strangers backyards at night, egged houses, ran/hid from the cops, went to LA (about 300 miles south of me) for 2 weeks without telling anyone to stay with people I met online, used my parents credit cards to buy shit I wanted online, they never noticed. Other stuff I’ve probably forgotten.

  3. I would go “Christmas Shopping” with my homies which was not the case or even for us. We rode around neighborhoods and took Christmas Decorations from one house and move them to another.

  4. Never told anyone this but when I was about 13 I was working with my cousin to clean out an old shed/barn for his boss, we cleaned the whole thing and it took us all day (12+ hrs) we moved most of the useful stuff to a new garage he had built it was like 3 stories high and he had some really nice stuff in there, long story short after we did that he didn’t pay us and we used a fire extinguisher and pissed all over and then he called us to meet him to be payed lol, it was hilarious in the moment but embarrassing but still kinda funny thinking about it now he turned out to be a huge auto scammer that would get people into debt traps that were already financially screwed, ultimately, fuck that guy.

  5. Our high school was built like a race track, one floor and the hallway circled the building.

    So, I figured it was the perfect place to ride a minibike around. During class.

  6. While struggling with a rather nasty combination of PTSD from sexual abuse, Depression, and Mania, and possibly some ‘burn the world’ type anger and resentment, i got drunk.

    Very drunk. the kind of Drunk where jumping off a large bridge into the ocean more than 300 feet below, seems like a great idea.

    Not sure how i didnt die.

  7. Walked out on a job when 17. I was a customer service cashier at Kroger during the whole Y2K scare. People kept crying about the shelves being empty and I was getting ready to go into the Army anyway. Had this lil ole lady ask if I was stupid or something lol. I paused a moment and then excused myself by her as she was standing by the booth door, clocked out and went home.

  8. Driving in our small midwest town with a friend. Came up to a train crossing and there was a train rolling past. The train came to a complete stop so we got out of the car and climbed on the train. Left the car running in the road. The train started up and we just stared at each other as it started. Probably rode about a 1/2 mile before I jumped off first. It was my car. Sprinted back and the car was still there. Sitting in the road running.

  9. It might not be the usual younger teen dumb fun response, but I went to a girl’s place at 2am that I just met online to hook up with her. Maybe it only being 2 minutes away from home helped, but I was 18 and going to a girl’s place that I just started talking to on a dating app late at night. I could’ve easily been lured into a mugging or something. How bare her new place was didn’t settle my nerves either. But then something happened that was worse than I could imagine… I dated her for 2 and half years…

  10. At 16 stole my dad´s van to go visit a ex gf 100 milles from home, at the next day he noticed his before full tank was now half full, though beeng the primary suspect, he never told me nothing. I dont know how im still alive, i have been always a good driver, but in Mexico City people drive awful and hiways are very dangerous. It was fun.

  11. Snuck out of school to go hang out in Times Square, over an hour away, with a girl I liked + her friends. It was a fun day 😀

    Thank god my mom never found out bc she’d kill me lmao

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