I’m 30M. I’m on effexor 75mg and 20mg of buspar. I know effexor has a history of bad sexual side effects. I can only make myself cum and only if I’m by myself masturbating. I’ve only came twice with a girl and only through blowjobs. It’s very frustrating because effexor has saved my life and I’m scared to taper off it because I know it’s one of the hardest to taper off of. My question is are there any supplements I can take that will help me cum without doing it myself?

  1. I struggled with this when I started to take buspar also but thankfully for me over time it went away

  2. Work with your doctor on this. There are some meds that can at least partially undo the bad side effects. Also in some cases there are alternate meds which potentially have the same side effects, but for whatever reason they don’t show up as badly in your body as the others do.

    Both my wife and I have suffered libido kill from beta blockers. She also got the daily double, libido kill plus anorgasmia, from Celexa. She’s working on changing those now with her doctors. It’s a slow trial and error process, but absolutely worth it.

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