I (20m) have been seeing this really sweet girl (19f), at least she seems that way. I feel like I knocked it out of the park on the first few dates, I took her by the water and we roasted marshmallows and have had dates similar to that and she really enjoyed it. Ever since I slept with her she’s been “too busy” with school and work, which is understandable because she’s in a nursing degree program and we just had our exams, I work as well, have to pay a mortgage and am studying Computer Engineering so I’m busy too but have always made time to see her, but she never initiates plans. I mentioned to her I’d appreciate a text every now and again, which she has texted first a few times.

After not talking for a while and giving her a bit of space, which I do quite often, I’m not needy and don’t ask for a lot but i’m prepared to just walk away at this point.

I called her on Friday, today she hits me back with this:

“Hey I saw that you called me the other night. Sorry I was at an early Christmas dinner at my grandmas house. And I didn’t see you called”

Should I just ignore it and walk away or ask her to call me later and i’ll talk to her about why she’s being so dodgy and where we stand.

  1. Send a brief text wishing Grandma a Merry Christmas. Then wait for her response.

    Spoiler alert: you’re not likely to get one. Let this relationship fade away naturally.
    She’s not your girl; you want someone who’s more enthusiastic about you. Look to date others.

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