What was your I’m the captain now moment?

  1. Training the new employee at my second to last internship. I was the three month bridge between a quiter and a greenie and I am proud I got to educate the last one on the job

  2. When we got home from the pub & she threw me on the bed, looked me straight in the eyes & said *”I’m the Captain now.”* & then seduced me. 😂

  3. They cut everyone’s hours at work and then told us we can do whatever we need to besides spend money to get the job done. All the other managers looked at me and said so you get to put the stock up however you want. And boy o boy did I. I personally filled about 120 pallets of stock in a week.

  4. My first job was in an alcohol distribution warehouse, one by one every other guy working there left and they didn’t replace any of them, when I was the last one left I declared myself warehouse manager

  5. End of shift, all the teenaged cashiers needed to be cashed out, and both their manager and mine were running everywhere due to them being the only two senior members of management that day(usually we have at least three or four). Fortunately I was able to communicate that them going home sooner depended entirely on me being able to do my job without having to constantly monitor them, so things got along ok.

  6. Went from part time night audit to assistant manager in a day after half the staff got arrested in a meth ring.

  7. When I pinned on captain.

    I was deployed at the time, and the local leadership didn’t have situational awareness of my situation. As I was attached to the local maintenance group, I was in attendance at the daily standup meeting. As the colonel in command of the maintenance group went around the room after the meeting to get any parting shots, he got to me and asked, “Lt, got anything?”. I just responded, “Actually, sir, it’s captain.”

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