My entire life it seems like i have been unable to create bonds with people that I interact with. No matter how good a conversation is the other person never seems interested in me at all. Most of the friendships i have had in my life have also been very one sided.

Any advice on how to overcome this?

  1. I was like this until about 32, when I found myself able to open up in friendships more. Old friends or partners was never a problem but newer friendships I struggled to speak up, I preferred to just listen and ask questions. It gets better with time and experience

  2. I feel like it takes about 3 years to really know someone. Just keep talking and sharing time with the people you want to invest in.

    It’s only in hindsight that I have come to see the deepest and truest of my friends. They are rare treasures.

  3. It takes time and effort. Most friendships are more work for one of the people involved and easier for the other person. That’s life. It isn’t fair. Just keep putting out the effort and developing the friendships that are good. Don’t tolerate users of course, but also realize not everyone is going to put as much energy into friendship as you do and that is ok.

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