Just what the title says. I dont like being alone. Like, I am very happy by myself and I like my alone time don’t get me wrong but I just at the end of the day hate not having a person to hold me and do all the fun relationship stuff with and it just sucks to be single. I dont know how else to put it. I love myself I just dont want to be alone anymore

  1. I got use to it because I’ve been single for nearly a decade. I watch and genuinely appreciate other couples and learn from other couples. I also accepted that I might never be in a relationship again especially given where society is going with having a relationship with a black woman.

    I think for me it’s more acceptance of what may never happen that what I want to happen that made me ultimately become comfortable with being single, doing activities solo, and not having a man to hold me or do fun relationship activities with as you describe.

    Oh well, life continues and there’s a world of adventure out there.

  2. Enjoying being single is not something you can learn. Some people are just born that way.

    If you naturally are a giving and reciprocal person, it makes sense to need someone to partner up with in life. There is nothing wrong with that. Just go and find one.

  3. Maybe remember that some people are forced to stay in relationships that have no love or compassion in them and that they probably are wondering/wishing they were single.

    I wish I had someone special but hopefully some day soon I’ll finally find that special someone and so will you!

    All the best and happy holidays to you.✌️

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