Noticing a trend in my dating life I’m just shy on making a move and noticing all dying out around the same length

Signals like the women placing my hand on certain body parts etc

  1. Important of you want to go farther with that person. Not important if you don’t want to go farther with that person.

    This shit isn’t rocket science, it’s basic human interaction.

  2. The problem here isn’t the signals. The problem is not going after what you want.

    In life you get to choose to either A) be the person who goes after what they want. Or B) be the person who never gets what they want because they waited around hoping it would just come to them.

  3. You have a very small time limit to make a move before another guy with bigger balls than you steals the chick you have your eyes on. You already see how quick chicks are getting cuffed on after breakups. It’s very competitive out there, undecisive guys like you wont stand a chance against guys like us who may be scared just like you but still go for the shot.

  4. Indecision will rob you of everything in life. Make a decision, even if it’s the wrong one.

    “More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.”

  5. If a girl is really into you, the signals will be obvious. If her interest seems inconsistent or flakey where you can’tpick up on signals, then its not going to work.

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