There’s a REASON WHY I REFUSE TO DATE ANY MAN WITH KIDS. Whether they live with a man full time, part time, joint custody, out of the country or province, or if they are grown. Children are my number one dealbreaker & for good reason too.

I don’t understand if I’m wording in my profile properly about children being a dealbreaker for me. I have been very clear that I am very specific about NOT wanting someone who either WANTS kids or who HAS children. I have mentioned that I have asked that single dad’s NOT message me to waste anyone’s time.

I’m an autistic 33 year old female & I have sensory issues to babies. I work with children, don’t get me wrong I like children otherwise I wouldn’t be working with them. However, with my autism plus other certain factors I can NOT handle children or babies outside of work. For me, dating a father would also be hard to seperate from work & I don’t want to feel like I’m at work all the time.

I can’t even have children of my own if I wanted. I also don’t go to family friendly restaurants & avoid kid’s parties. If my brother were to ever have children I wouldn’t be involved until they were not babies or young anymore.

While I understand that yes my autism is a factor, & while it’s hard finding a child free man I’m ok with being single in the meantime as I’m improving on myself & working on my own issues first.

I don’t understand, I want to know why exactly men still take a shot at me when I make it clear that children are my number one dealbreaker? I have had men accuse me of hating children which is far from the truth or I tell them to check out the first part of my profile stating my dealbreaker first. I’ve even been banned several times from several dating sites many times to the point where if I even upload my picture they shut me out.

  1. Lots of men don’t even read the profiles and swipe right on everyone. How does that end up with you getting banned? On several sites?

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