If you betrayed your partner in a significant way, e.g. cheating, how long of a trial period would you accept, where they held you at a distance, before you would feel that they should be able to move forward with you again?

  1. If I cheated on my partner I’d be willing to accept them never wanting anything with me ever again

  2. I don’t think I would be able to forgive cheating myself so I wouldn’t expect them to forgive either.

  3. I could never forgive cheating, so I can’t even imagine a situation where I would cheat on my partner.

  4. As the cheater you don’t get to set the rules. The persons whose safety and trust was violated does and you can’t put a timeline on rebuilding something like that.

  5. I would not put a time limit on someone else’s healing. If I cheated, it is not my place as the betrayer to determine those conditions

  6. If he cheated on me, I don’t think I would ever be able to trust him again or move forward. I have trust issues already from childhood that I’m working on and cheating is the ultimate betrayal. I would expect the same from him.

  7. If I cheated on my partner, and they had the grace to give me another chance, I would commit years to rebuilding trust. And I would accept that, ultimately, it could be a dealbreaker for them.

  8. Just look for a new partner. It will never be the same with this one and the relationship also won’t progress as hoped. It’s best to just start anew with someone new that you can love properly.

  9. I don’t think that, as the cheater, you get to decide IF they even want to move forward with you IN THE FIRST PLACE. Your needs and wants in the relationship are now in the hands of the person you cheated on. You have no right to demand anything.

  10. There’s a reason someone cheats. Either they’re just a jerk, or there was a critical failure somewhere that caused them to act out of character. Time doesn’t cure either of these things, so I’m really not sure what business a time period has in something like this. Regardless, the one betrayed gets to call the shots on what they need to be able to offer trust again. The betrayer only gets to decide if they can or cannot live with those terms.

  11. It depends on what you’re doing about it… going to therapy, rehab etc. but even after that, I could never trust them again, so it’s over. 8 billion people out there….

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