are there men out there that like to do things other than drink beer and watch games? It’s honestly so boring to me. I’ve tried to like it and it’s awful.

why don’t men like to do more meaningful things with their free time

  1. I’m a guy and I have a variety of hobbies, 3D modeling, videogames, writing, and a bunch of other stuff. I only just recently started watching or catching up with sports so I can keep up with sports talk in the office

    Edit: I realize this doesn’t answer your question. My opinion on this is that maybe you’re limiting yourself to one type of guy, maybe?

    I have guy friends who sports and their cars are their main thing, while I have others that enjoy other things. So maybe you’re not exposing yourself to a diverse dating pool. But also depending on how long you’ve dated them, maybe they’re not as open about their other hobbies and sports is their default. These opinions are just assumptions based on no background information though.

    Have you usually dated the same type of guys? Have you tried asking if they have other hobbies? What’s been their response?

  2. They might not be sharing all their hobbies or you might be limiting your dating pool. Hobbies really aren’t all that meaningful and deep. Most people I’ve met have more than one but they may have one they like the most. Even then I don’t think you have to talk about it with them constantly but just support and indulge them from time to time.

  3. I don’t like sports lol. Haven’t watched any games except like 2 superbowl games my parents made me watch when I was younger lol

  4. Define hobby. Every morning I work out and do yoga. Do those count as hobbies? I’m continuing to work on trying to improve my Spanish. Is that a hobby? I enjoy cooking is that a hobby? I personally like trying to get better at stuff and don’t know the difference between interests and hobbies. I also follow sports but I don’t spend a lot of time now days doing it.

  5. I’m a man and once a year I watch the snooker world championships. That’s about it sports wise for me. Haven’t watched a single world Cup match this year and couldn’t care less. Also not a beer drinker. So we exist, but I’m sure you’d find the youtube videos and hobbies I have equally boring so never mind.

  6. Instead, ask yourself “why don’t I notice the guys who do have hobbies other than watching sports?”

    You may not see them but it’s not for want of exposure to them

  7. I run, cycle, occasionally boulder and kayak. I prefer being outdoors but also a cosy pub. Occasionally go bowling or catch a film, and always like to try new food.

    Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places?

  8. Oh look we’ve found the resident “I’m better than you because I don’t like sports” guy

  9. I do partner dancing as a hobby. Have classes once a week and attending a social over the weekend. It is probably one of the most rewarding experiences of my life so far.

  10. This is totally lazy stereotyping on your part. Of course there are men who either don’t like to drink beer and watch sports, or like it along with having other interests. What is even the point of this post?

  11. I neither drink beer nor watch sports.

    If you’re not meeting men who do other things than you may need to look in more places.

  12. Claims in comments that she can’t find a guy on a dating app who plays guitar.

    Baitpost confirmed, time to close up shop here folks

  13. In order to find someone who likes doing other things you might benefit from going out and doing those things yourself as a way to meet people and grow your social circle. Such as the gym, you can get a gym membership. Join classes and such!

    If you want a nerdy guy, then check out a Comic Con or other type of event. Join a discord, etc. If you want someone who is active outside then join a hiking group or cross country skiing classes. Anything!

    There’s lots of ways to meet people while also learning something yourself!

  14. Ehm.. I dunno about you but I don’t watch sports at all and I rarely drink beer unless on like holidays or special occasions.

  15. I don’t like sports. I know a lot of people both friends and associates who also don’t like sports and we talk about books and movies which is nice 🙂

  16. Where are you gathering this data? People on dating apps and online are truly the most boring people you’ll ever meet.

  17. This is like asking if there are women out there who don’t nag. The premise for the question is very strange.

    Anyway in addition to watching sports, I actually play it too. I play cricket, tennis, chess and I’m also into archery. Outside of sports I also read and write.

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