What are some realistic ways to get rich in 5 years?

  1. Step 1. Be born into wealth

    Step 2. Come up with an idea that a million people already have, but were too broke to pull off

    Step 3. Make it happen, because you were born into wealth

    Step 4. Profit

  2. Stock market. I started out with 1000$ 2 years ago and i’m well on my way to becoming “rich” if my portfolio performs decently within the next few years.

  3. bank robbery oder hacking banks. the legal way: be politician. they are always corrupt. In Germany it’s even legal to be corrupt

    EDIT: They call it Lobbyismus.

  4. – Start flipping cheap cars, then open a used car dealership.

    – Open a popular restaurant, then expand through franchising. If your restaurant is very popular, engage in aggressive business practices by making as much money as possible upfront off your franchisees – high franchise fees, expensive equipment that they have to buy from you.

  5. While there are some exceptions, it takes longer than five years.

    1. College.
    2. Work for yourself, and if you fail, fail forward and learn.
    3. Repeat step ~~3~~ 2 [edit]
    4. Forgo luxuries until you’re financially self sufficient.
    5. Invest in real estate, and mutual funds.

    Simple to explain, but takes a lot of self control to do.

  6. Find a business plan for a service that is in high demand. Start out small and keep expanding as you build up capitol. You will have to live a frugal life for a few years until you get established, and sacrifice many things like free time, relationships, etc.

  7. * gambling
    * get into politics and steal it from tax payers
    * invest in commodities
    * become famous in some way

    Also depends on what you consider “rich”

  8. Increase your income by getting a second job or starting a side hustle.

    Live on a tight budget, and use all your extra income to pay off your debts.

    Once you are debt free, build an emergency fund and then start investing as much as you can into your retirement. Also, once you are debt free you can afford to do more giving and spend a little more, your budget doesn’t have to be as tight as it was when you were getting rid of your debt.

  9. I’ll do legal options that pay quite well;

    – Trade school for electrician, plumber, etc. if you’re hands-on.
    – College for Computer Science if you’re technically inclined.
    – Petroleum engineer/oil industry worker if you like hazard pay.
    – Business college and then a big company if you’re extroverted/good at networking.
    – Combine any of those while living on a shoestring budget and investing all that you can.
    – Probably things like stock trading and house flipping/renting if you can read a market well.

    But from what I’m seeing, if all you care about is money, it seems the more immoral you can be, the better. Just don’t be surprised if you look in the mirror and see a cunt.

  10. Start a successful business or invest in a growing industry.

    Cut expenses and save as much money as possible.

    Seek out high-paying job opportunities and negotiate a higher salary.

    Invest in real estate or the stock market with a long-term strategy.

    Consider starting a side hustle or freelancing to bring in additional income.

    Educate yourself on personal finance and money management to make smart decisions with your money.

    Network and build connections in your industry to increase your earning potential.

    Continuously learn and improve your skills to increase your value in the job market.

  11. Define rich?

    It took me 3 years to save up 20k and i was spending money like crazy making less than $10/hr, simply by splitting the bills

    If you mean like never have to work ever again, not likely to happen without a high paying job and some lucky investments.

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