Girls make me horny. I don’t know I love boobs and girls bodies and that’s the thing that excite me in porn and I can easily cum masturbating to girls pics BUT I’M STRAIGHT. At least I think I am. Idk what to think really

I mean I kiss and have sex with guys. I’ve already kissed girls but kissing guys turns me on way more. I don’t know if that’s normal helpppp

  1. Fantasies don’t necessarily have to determine your sexuality. Your feelings do. So, I guess… Be honest to yourself. Sometimes it takes months or years to figure out if you’re bi (or something else) or not.

    In the meantime: just take it easy. There’s is nothing to worry about while figuring this out. If the worst that can happen is you discovering you’re bi, then let me tell ya: being bi isn’t bad 🙂

  2. How are you straight if you can cum to girls pics?

    Can you cum to guys nudes? Do you get turned on hy thier bodies?

  3. You don’t need to box yourself with a label. You can like kissing guys and having sex with guys. And get off to girls in porn. And not want to have sex with girls. Or maybe you do Or maybe you’d wanna just kiss a girl but not have sex with them. It doesn’t matter. Just do whatever feels right and fun to you!

  4. I suggest you try kissing a woman and see what happens.

    I am a guy. I enjoy watching porn and penis going in vagina.

    But kissing men is not for me. I tried it . They are rough and hairy and not feminine enough for me.

    I am not really attracted to them.

    But if you dare to try kissing a woman you may find it’s for you. Or maybe you just like looking at women’s bodies.

  5. Your Bi. Maybe pan. Probobly not straight, does it matter really, though? Womens sexualiy is pretty fluid, I’m bi/pan but tend to only wanna date men for some reason/lean more to one size.

  6. Becoming horny over certain things does not mean you are necessarily a Lesbian. If you didn’t enjoy or desire to have sex with men then I would say a definite “yes” but fantasizing over porn can be very unrelated to what turns you in IRL and your sexuality.

  7. 1) lots of people get turned on by same-sex porn. Both men and women.

    2) I’d venture to say that most people also get turned on looking at porn of things they would never want to do in real life. Honestly, pee in porn can do it for me… In real life? I find it disgusting and an absolute turn off.

    So, knowing those two things… Just roll with it. Kiss who you want to. Sleep with who you want to. Jerk off to what you want to. Label yourself however you feel. Gay, straight, bi… It doesn’t matter. Be you.

  8. You could be bisexual that leans more to one gender than another, so I’m not sure you need to stress. At your age, you’re still learning more about what you like and don’t like sexually and it’s normal to experiment and learn from experience who you are.

  9. It’s fine to find them attractive, but I think unless you’re willing to have a serious committed relationship with someone of the other sex, I think it’s safe to say you’re just straight.

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