I don’t know how to start this, but I need advice. I’ve been dating my (40M) and I’m (27F). We’ve been dating for a couple of months and my boyfriend and I are completely honest with one another and tell each other everything. So, after some time my boyfriend’s ex-wife asks for money sometimes to help her out, because she can’t afford it. Now let me draw out a picture for you. His ex-wife owns her own house. Though it was inherited when her grandmother died and she inherited over or about a million dollars as well. This is no joke. She spent the whole thing. Some things went to the house “which is cool you’re investing in your home” but were not smart about the money. But she occasionally asks for money, and the reason why my significant other gives it to her because when he was a child he saw his mother financially struggle as well. They have one son together.
He doesn’t want his son to go through what he went through. Which, I completely understand that. I’m about to be 27 and I have my shit together for my age. I live alone in my own apartment and I work 37 hours a week as a caregiver in Washington, state. I donate plasma as well to make more money. I’m looking into doing another side hustle. I’m not hurting for money, but if and when I am I don’t just go asking for it. I usually deal with it and figure it out. We live in different cities and after my lease is up this coming fall I’m looking to move up there. He rents a small home up north from me and we are going to look into renting first than buying a home/ land. So, this is why I see a problem when he and I are trying to build a life together with his son and he just doesn’t want his son to go through the same as we did. This is what I told him.
That I feel as if he should put his foot down and say, “Hey, I am sorry I just can’t help you anymore. This is taking a toll on me financially too” he’s even told her that she can take the equity out of the house if she’s really in dying need for money. She didn’t know she could do that…Yeah, I know she would have to pay it back, but if she took enough out to maybe pay off her car or something she probably could make that payment and have money aside. I hope. I just don’t know what else I can do. I understand where he’s coming from, but I have also seen my parents financially struggle as well.

  1. Has your bf see this as a problem? If he doesn’t then I would hesitate to commit to someone who wants to enable a financially irresponsible mother of his child.

    If he is truly worried about his son then he can take full custody of him

    It is not your problem to solve. Again, if he does not see this as a problem then I would reevaluate the relationship.

  2. INFO:is bf struggling financially?Do you know what that money is for?

    You’ve only been dating a couple of months so you dont get to dictate who he lends money to especially when it concerns the mother of his child.
    if BF has no issue with giving ex money especially if it concerns his son then there isnt much you can do except have a chat with him.

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